Primary School Visits
To date, I have visited over 600 schools across the country, promoting the joy of reading and writing. As a former teacher I understand and appreciate the esteem that children hold for authors and I don’t take it for granted. Competing against ‘text talk’ and the visual imagery of electronic games is becoming increasingly difficult in our digital world, and my aim is to prove there is still a place for the versatility of the English language and the beauty of an unfettered imagination. All my workshops are relevant, informative and fun and I address some of the differences between school-based writing and author writing in the adult world. Nearly all the workshops have a story-telling element within.

In Key Stage 1, I visit each class twice during the day. The first is to stimulate a piece of writing and is a brief visit only. The children complete the work after I leave. The second visit is for the workshop. Each class is told a story (not read from a book) followed by activities to promote the imagination and sharing stories.
In Key Stage 2, the day starts in the hall with time for a Q and A session, a presentation and the issuing of writing challenges. After morning break, all the workshops take place in the classroom, where the focus is on sharing their writing and showing different ways of improving it. This is with a mixture of school based and author techniques that can make a real difference to what they produce.

Book Signings
I ask for a book signing opportunity at the end of each day of my visit. This allows me to promote my books and cover the costs of the visit.

1 day visit for a small mixed form entry,
2 day visits for a one form entry,
3 day visits for a one and a half mixed form entry,
4 day visits for a two form entry,
6 day visits for a three form entry,
I produce a schedule, based on your school timings, and a parent flier to advertise my visit.
The above offers for primary schools are free within the counties I’m touring.
For out of tour visits, there is a small charge to cover the cost of travelling.

I usually advertise for the counties I tour, but to arrange an off-tour visit, contact Steve on the website contact page.

Off School Visits
I do occasionally visit groups outside schools, Guides, Scouts, WI, Libraries, writing groups and book clubs amongst others. These can be arranged, and individually tailored, to suit the needs required. They can be booked through the website or on the address above.

Inspire to Write
Steve is offering a whole day working with just one class, inspiring a piece of writing, and following up with instruction on editing. He offers a unique approach to editing from the publishing world, not taught in school. This not only transforms children’s writing and bolsters their teacher learned skills, but adds creative effect to their work.
The children appreciate both the process and effect of the technique. The process is completely accessible and understandable to them, and the effect can be witnessed instantly in their efforts.
The cost of the day is £7.00 per child, for the parents of children participating. Each child will finish the day of tuition with a signed copy of one of Steve’s books which they can choose from the range provided.